Expositions / Exhibitions

Solo Sélectionnés

Médiathèque de Barcelonne du Gers, estampes, 2024
Château de Fitère, Gers, France, estampes, 2023
White Box Gallery, Blackheath, Londres, 2020
Paper Space, Londres. Monoprints ‘French Curve’, 2017
The Photographers’ Gallery, Londres, Laid Table, une collaboration, 2003
Whitechapel Art Gallery, espace foyer, Unheimlich – Photography/Text, 1999
Cafe Gallery Projects, Londres. Sculpture et vidéo, 1995
The Bond Gallery, Birmingham. Installation vidéo, 1995

Groupe Sélectionné

RE Bermondsey Artists Group, CGP Londres, 2019
Woolwich Print Fair, exposition avec Thames-Side Print Studio, Londres 2018
Impress, Lumen Gallery, Londres 2018
Unbound, Thames Barrier Studio, exposition d’estampes en duo avec Sally McKay, 2017
Freedom of the Press, Thames Barrier Print Studio, Londres. Exposition collective de gravures, 2012.
Shiobhan Davies Dance Studios, Londres. Photographie et vidéo in situ, 2008.
Performance “Disassemble” pour John Cage Musicircus, Barbican Arts Centre, Londres, 2004.
CURIO, Londres E1, installation spécifique sur site, 2002
Perceptions de la ouleur, St Thomas Hospital, Londres. Film avec Stephen Dwoskin, 2002
Rencontres Internationales, Paris/Berlin. Projection vidéo, 2001
The Ark Project 2000, Berlin/Londres à la Dilston Grove Gallery, Londres 2000
A Different Kind of Show, Whitechapel Art Gallery, Londres, 2000
Bankside Browser, Bankside, Londres. Pour la Tate Modern (avant l’ouverture), 1999
Open House, PriceWaterhouseCooper, Londres, 1998
Kunstbrucke VIII, Café Gallery, Londres. Vidéo, 1998

Selected Solo

Médiathèque de Barcelonne du Gers, Prints, 2024
Château de Fitère, Gers, France, Prints, 2023
White Box Gallery, Blackheath, London, January 2020
Paper Space, London. ‘French Curve’ Monoprints, 2017
The Photographers’ Gallery, London. ‘Laid Table’ a collaboration, 2003
Whitechapel Art Gallery, foyer space, Unheimlich – Photography/Text, 1999
Cafe Gallery Projects, London. Sculpture and video, 1995
The Bond Gallery, Birmingham. Video installation, 1995

Selected Group

RE Bermondsey Artists Group, CGP London, 2019
Woolwich Print Fair, exhibition with Thames-Side Print Studio, London 2018
Impress, Lumen Gallery, London 2018
Unbound, Thames Barrier Studio, two person show of prints with Sally McKay, April 2017
Freedom of the Press, Thames Barrier Print Studio, London. Group show of printmaking, 2012.
Shiobhan Davies Dance Studios, London. Site specific photowork and video (two person show with Louise Sheridan), 2008
‘Disassemble’ Performance for John Cage Musicircus, Barbican Arts Centre, London, 2004
CURIO, Hanbury Street, London E1. Site specific commission, 2002
Perceptions of Pain, St Thomas Hospital, London. Film with Stephen Dwoskin, 2002
Rencontres Internationales, Paris/Berlin. Video screening, 2001
The Ark Project 2000, Berlin/London at Dilston Grove Gallery, 2000
A Different Kind of Show, Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, 2000
Bankside Browser, Bankside, London. For Tate Modern (pre opening), 1999
Open House, PriceWaterhouseCooper, London, 1998
Kunstbrucke VIII, Café Gallery, London. Video, 1998